About Me

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My name is Claire, and I'm a UK expat living in South Australia. I live with my man, a cat that thinks he's a dog, and have two step children who visit frequently and make us laugh. I'm in my thirties, and I'm only just working out how to make my life exactly how I want it, and have fun along the way. I write, I blog, I take pictures - and this is where I share it all.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Push The Limits

A. because I’ve never learned how to play a sport, I just wasn’t interested in sports as a teenager, and;
B.  it’d be something we could do together maybe once a week. It would be a good way to challenge myself and push my limits, which has sort of been the theme of this past week.

I had gotten into a routine on the treadmill, so at the start of the week when I did my time trial, I upped the speed, that was challenge number one – and I completed it.

(Side note – I emailed Mish’s team about using a treadmill for time trials, and they said that even though it’s not preferred, as long as the incline is 2% or more, and I don’t hold onto the sides at any time, it’s acceptable).

Monday -  I went back to my boxing class that I used to do, and found I kept up much better, and could even complete more than three burpees!

Tuesday - I did a normal session on the treadmill and bike, with some circuit training for strength. I upped the level on the bike, and found it harder, but not too much of a struggle.

Wednesday - I just did cardio, and not that much of it – maybe 350 calories worth.

Thursday - I found an interval sprint program on the 12WBT website, and decided to give it a go. This consists of 30 second sprints at various speeds, with 30 seconds of recovery standing on the sides of the treadmill. I had never run like this before, and the speeds suggested in the plan were a little daunting – but I did it! I did three rounds of the program, which took thirty minutes, and according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 493 in total (I also did some push ups, and sit ups, and lunges).

This morning I’ve noticed that my right glute muscle is quite tight, so I’m going to rest it today. I could do the core work out, but I ended up sleeping in because I forgot to set my alarm!  My bad. But I’ll be getting up at stupid o’clock tomorrow to do some yoga and attempt swimming a whole kilometre. That’s 40 laps in the 25 meter pool. Last time I was there I managed 15 laps before getting out because the lane got crowded, but I felt comfortable and could have done more. I’m hoping being there earlier will mean less people in the lane, so we’ll see how that goes.

I’m glad I’ve thrown myself at this, I’m sure it’ll make adjusting to the program a much smoother processes. I’m not sure going from zero to full throttle would be an easy thing to do. This way, I basically just need to incorporate a core day and a Super Saturday Session!

’m yet to do my shopping list,  but we already have most of the condiments, so it shouldn’t be too much for us!

How is everyone else’s preparations going?

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