About Me

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My name is Claire, and I'm a UK expat living in South Australia. I live with my man, a cat that thinks he's a dog, and have two step children who visit frequently and make us laugh. I'm in my thirties, and I'm only just working out how to make my life exactly how I want it, and have fun along the way. I write, I blog, I take pictures - and this is where I share it all.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Motivation, wherefore art thou?

Last week I had yet another issue with my pelvis, it's slightly out again. I have an appointment on Monday to get it fixed again.

I listened to my physio and I didn't run at all, everything was low impact. I've done all of my stretches like a good girl!

I'm finding it difficult to be motivated to do other forms of exercise, I'm doing it, but I'm not enjoying it like I was. Actually, it's not even motivation, it's reluctance to do anything in case I hurt myself more. I am being good with the food though, that's my saving grace I think.

So, no work out Thursday, no work out Friday and a big night out (no dinner though), and then too hungover for anything resembling a SSS!

Today, because the weather is nice, I'm going to get myself out and go for a nice long walk - and do the housework, because that burns calories too. I need to do something, and tomorrow I'll be doing a toning day.

I'm lucky that my man is so supportive of me, it wasn't for him telling (telling, not asking) me that we were going to go for a bit of a hike today, I'm not sure I would have even bothered!

I suppose I should listen to my own advice, and 'stay strong & carry on!'

1 comment:

  1. it's nothing a good painkiller and anti inflammatory can't temporarily fix, but my physio is magic!

    I can do toning days, which is what I did today, and it doesn't bother me too much riding a bike or x-trainer, so I just have to know my limits and work within them.
