About Me

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My name is Claire, and I'm a UK expat living in South Australia. I live with my man, a cat that thinks he's a dog, and have two step children who visit frequently and make us laugh. I'm in my thirties, and I'm only just working out how to make my life exactly how I want it, and have fun along the way. I write, I blog, I take pictures - and this is where I share it all.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Slips & Slip Ups

Thursday last week I spent half an hour face down on a physio table with needles in my hip and buttock.

Yes, needles.

My physio combines acupuncture with her treatments, which I have to say, works very very well.

Turns out that what I thought was a leg issue is actually not a leg issue at all, my pelvis is out.

I’ve had this issue before, they’re not sure exactly what causes it, but it can be triggered my all sorts of things. The muscles in that area are either too tight, or not strong enough to with stand high impacts, so occasionally it slips and misaligns.

The last time this happened was a couple of years ago, and I do exercises to strengthen it, so I was a little surprised that this was the problem.

I knew what was coming when she asked me what I’d be doing.

“I’ve been working  out more, training harder”

“What sort of training?”

“Running, interval sprints, and other cardio”

“Right. No Running Miss Claire”

“Ok, until when?”

“No. Not until when – just NO running”

~insert mega sad face here~

Now I know there are alternatives to running, but I really enjoy it, and I’ve made massive improvements. Plus, this means I’ll have to re-do my fitness test on something else.

I don’t particularly like RPM / Spin Classes, but I’m going to have to give them another go. I might have to think twice about boxing as well, because of the pivoting from the hips, at least for a couple of weeks anyway.

So I’m presented with the cross trainer, the stationary bike, the rowing machine, low impact aerobics options, swimming, walking, - lots really – it just might take me longer to burn what I need to burn.

I haven’t been able to exercise for 2 days because the movement from my lower back has caused major discomfort, and I didn’t want to make it worse. Coupled with feeling generally miserable about not being able run, I was naughty yesterday and munch my way through some chocolate covered raspberry lollies from Charlesworth. I did end up throwing the rest of them away though.

Bad Claire, BAD!

But, such is life – I’m back on form today – with the return of a positive attitude and a realisation that whilst I have some goals I want to achieve, I’m just going to have to achieve them slightly slower, but I’d rather do that than cause myself a permanent injury.

Saturday I went swimming again and took the kick board that Monkey uses when she swims, and that was a good way to switch up my kicking styles. I did manage to knock about 5 minutes off my time from last week, mainly because I wasn't resting for as long. Now admittedly, swimming for about an hour only burns about 500 calories - not exactly the SSS Mish recommends, so to make sure I burnt 1,000 for the day, I walked 6km later in the afternoon with the family - they rode to the skate park, and I power walked to meet them there. It was good, and a lovely day for it! 

Week two is now upon me; I'm organised, I've planned my workouts, and I'm comfortable I'll be able to stick to most of the menu (I swap meals around occasionally), and I'm feeling pretty good. I feel stronger and lighter, so hopefully on WWW day I'll like what I see! 

I hope everyone had a good weekend, and lovely fathers day treat meal - bring on Week 2!

"That little voice in your head that says you can't - it's a liar"

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