About Me

My photo
My name is Claire, and I'm a UK expat living in South Australia. I live with my man, a cat that thinks he's a dog, and have two step children who visit frequently and make us laugh. I'm in my thirties, and I'm only just working out how to make my life exactly how I want it, and have fun along the way. I write, I blog, I take pictures - and this is where I share it all.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Take Responsibility

When I started 12WBT I was determined to become a runner.

I improved my time to 6 minutes a km, then I had pain in my pelvic area.

I was told not to run. Not for any extended period of time, just DON'T run.

Did it stop me exercising?


I regularly knock out 600 to 800 calorie sessions at the gym using classes, cross trainers, bikes and rowing machines.

Do I let the niggle in my lower back stop me?


Do I left the soreness in my leg muscle and knee from the referred pain stop me?


I managed it.

I get it regularly looked at, and I rest when I need to.

I don't use it as excuse.

Just like I don't use cramps as an excuse to 'go easier'.

Just like I don't let a headache stop me - I take a painkiller.

Just like I don't let the fact I've had a bad day send me to the bottle shop - I go to the gym instead.

I don't do any of this stuff because I have to, or because I've paid for it, or because I feel a responsibility to anyone around me. I do it for me.

I'm not going to stop at the end of the 12 weeks, it's not a 'stage' or a 'fad' or something I'll try and then give away - it's a lifestyle that I've adopted, and will continue to live by.

So stop making excuses, don't let them creep back in, suck it up, and get on with it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Bad

Last night at the gym I worked my little heart out and burnt over 800 calories, see,


A combination of cross trainer, rowing and RPM class saw me crack the 800 barrier in one session, and I have to say, I felt it this morning as hauled myself out of the sleep pit.

This effort was largely driven by the fact that I haven’t worked out a lot this past week, for one excuse (note that I said ‘excuse’ not ‘reason’) or another, and I hadn’t done any major calorie burning since Sunday.

It was no surprise then, that when I jumped on the case this morning for WWW I’d gained weight.

300 grams, which isn’t a massive number, but I should have at least made an effort to stay the same weight as last weigh in. What I haven’t done yet is my measurements, I know you’re supposed to pay more attention to those than anything else.


My Bad.

Having a hangover on Saturday and reaching for my staple hangover food, which just happens to be McDonalds, was the first of several contributing factors to my gain. Just to give you an idea of how bad this hangover was, I haven’t touched McDonalds in almost a year.


Because is crappy and fatty and processed and makes me fill icky when I eat it.

But that didn’t stop me did it?


The knowledge I have acquire from a YouTube video of Jamie Oliver showing the school kids how they make their chicken nuggets by blending and blitzing left over chicken bits and carcasses didn’t stop me either.


But, never mind, it’s all about the journey – apparently – let’s just say that this was a detour I should have known not to make, and won’t be repeating it to quite that extent.

Today is supposed to be a toning day, but I think I’m going to get my bike out after work and go for a ride, then do some core work at home, and tomorrow I’ll do cardio + rpm combination again and try to get my calorie burn higher on average, so I can join the big weight droppers.

At this point, I’d like to send a big shout out to all of you who are smashing the KGs week after week, stellar effort ladies and gents, you should be so proud of yourself. I’d like to send a special shout to my fellow 12WBT-er and work colleague, Wenz71, who is chasing down those numbers consistently – you go girl!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Toys & Pride

Another day. Another morning consumed with thoughts of food and snacking, and how to survive the day.

I’m very aware that I haven’t worked out much since last weigh in, and with WWW looming, I might have to pull out a big session at the gym today.

The last time I did an intense Cardio workout was Sunday, before that, Tuesday. Why?

Wednesday was a toning day for me.

Thursday we had a tax appointment straight after work and didn’t get home until late, by which time I couldn’t be bothered.

Friday I did some light exercise and some core work.

Saturday, I had a hangover and a Year 7 kids choir concert to attend on the evening – which meant late home again.

Sunday I did a lot in the garden, and I went and bought a push bike

This is my new toy;

My partner rides his bike to work a couple of days of week, so once he’d adjusted my seat my for me, we went for a ride along Linear Park which took about an hour. I enjoyed it, and could get used to riding again. Now that the weather is changing and the days are starting to get a little longer, I’ll be making more of an effort to get out on my bike on weekends and after work.

Yesterday I did a toning work and had another physio appointment about my pelvis, which involved more needles in my bum, and more interrogation about if I’d been running.

I informed Susan that no, I had not been running, and yes I’d been doing my stretches.

I also explained that it’s nowhere near as sore as it was, but the niggle is still there and I want to stay on top of it. I find that low impact is best for me, so the cross trainer is now my new best friend, and Tuesday (today) has become RPM day. The intention plan is to finish work at 4:30, wander over to my gym, get a ticket for class which starts at 5:30, and spend the time before hand either on the cross trainer and rower or power walking on the treadmill. I’m going to try to smash the 900 calorie mark today to make up for my neglect!

I have an image saved to my desktop that I look at every morning, it helps me regroup my thoughts and refocus for the day, so I thought I’d share it with you, and hope that it does the same. 

Have a great day 12WBTers!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Motivation, wherefore art thou?

Last week I had yet another issue with my pelvis, it's slightly out again. I have an appointment on Monday to get it fixed again.

I listened to my physio and I didn't run at all, everything was low impact. I've done all of my stretches like a good girl!

I'm finding it difficult to be motivated to do other forms of exercise, I'm doing it, but I'm not enjoying it like I was. Actually, it's not even motivation, it's reluctance to do anything in case I hurt myself more. I am being good with the food though, that's my saving grace I think.

So, no work out Thursday, no work out Friday and a big night out (no dinner though), and then too hungover for anything resembling a SSS!

Today, because the weather is nice, I'm going to get myself out and go for a nice long walk - and do the housework, because that burns calories too. I need to do something, and tomorrow I'll be doing a toning day.

I'm lucky that my man is so supportive of me, it wasn't for him telling (telling, not asking) me that we were going to go for a bit of a hike today, I'm not sure I would have even bothered!

I suppose I should listen to my own advice, and 'stay strong & carry on!'

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Confronting Questions

There was a time in my life when I felt like I didn’t deserve to be happy, and I didn’t particularly like myself.

Growing up, I had some body image issues, some of them even lasting into my early twenties, and if I’m honest with myself, several of them were still with me up until a few years ago. I suppose they’re always ‘with’ you, it’s just how you manage them.

The turning point for me was back in late 2009. I was miserable, and fat, 106kg of fat, on a 5’6 frame = obese. I had convinced I was unhappy because I was fat, so I decided I needed help to lose the weight, and I went to see a psychologist.

Why a psychologist and not Jenny Craig? Because I knew that I had to get my head right to make any sort of change stick. I needed to know what I was dealing with, and why I’d gotten to where I was.

During my three sessions with Joe I discovered the root cause of my relationship with food. As a child, it was a reward, or a treat, something I associated with feeling positive and good about myself, so in adolescence, I’d gone to the extreme, and every time I felt bad about something, or myself, I’d eat to try to recreate that feeling. Joe helped me learn new way of thinking about food, he helped me break my bad habits through hypnotherapy, and I can honestly say, it helped.

Now I’m not suggesting for one second that it was a quick fix, I had to want to change, and I had to want to take responsibility for myself. Without that resolve and commitment it wouldn’t have mattered how many session I had with Joe, nothing would have worked.

Over the course of about six months I dropped 25kg to 81kg. I was impressed, I was over doing it, but I was impressed. I was slimmer, healthier, fitter, I wanted more out of life, and I had the whole world in front me. I felt energised and revitalised.

Why then, I asked myself, was I still miserable?

I sat down and I made a list, and all of sudden, it dawned on me – I wasn’t unhappy because I was fat, I was fat because I was unhappy.

Every relationship I’d ever been in had seen me gain weight whilst in it. All sorts of alarm bells started going off in my head – but I felt liberated because I’d finally worked out what the issue was. I don’t just mean my boyfriends. Any relationship where I felt I needed approval, such as my relationships with my parents, my friends, and, more recently, the men in my life.

I had no idea who I was when in a relationship. All of my attention and my time and effort went into making the other person happy. I lost myself and my sense of identity.

What about me?

What about my needs?

What about what makes me happy?

Did I even know what made me happy?

Two days later I broke up with my boyfriend. I’d felt unsettled with him for a while, and that realisation was the final straw. People were shocked, five years we’d been together, and for five years I’d wanted more from him, and I was just waiting and hoping it would happen, but it was never going to happen.

I spent the best part of a year single. I’d never even lived on my own, so it was a whole new world for me – my time was my own, I could do what I wanted, when I wanted (who I wanted – although not that often to be honest!) – I learnt a lot about who I was, my likes and dislikes, and the sort of partner I wanted and needed, and the sort of lifestyle that I wanted.

My trips to the gym became less frequent, and most of my time at the gym was to avoid being at home anyway. As a result of this pullback I put a little bit of weight back on, 6kg actually, but I was happy, and content, and I maintained that weight. I was side tracked by a health issues, but that’s another blog. Besides, I knew I’d get back into it, but I was just taking some time to stand still and breathe.

Things are different now, I have a loving supportive partner that expects me to be nobody else but myself, and I’m happy with myself and where my life is at. My head is right, my attitude is right, and now I feel ready to tackle the last half of my weight loss, which is why I signed up for 12WBT.

So if you think you’re unhappy because you’re fat, maybe you’re fat because you’re unhappy. It’s a confronting question, but one worth asking yourself. Only then can you stop filling that happiness void with food and replace it with self respect, love for yourself, a new skill, a hobby, new friends, etcetera. 

If I learned anything worth remembering during this light bulb phase, it’s this; 

Make peace with yourself – get your head right – and the rest will follow. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Slips & Slip Ups

Thursday last week I spent half an hour face down on a physio table with needles in my hip and buttock.

Yes, needles.

My physio combines acupuncture with her treatments, which I have to say, works very very well.

Turns out that what I thought was a leg issue is actually not a leg issue at all, my pelvis is out.

I’ve had this issue before, they’re not sure exactly what causes it, but it can be triggered my all sorts of things. The muscles in that area are either too tight, or not strong enough to with stand high impacts, so occasionally it slips and misaligns.

The last time this happened was a couple of years ago, and I do exercises to strengthen it, so I was a little surprised that this was the problem.

I knew what was coming when she asked me what I’d be doing.

“I’ve been working  out more, training harder”

“What sort of training?”

“Running, interval sprints, and other cardio”

“Right. No Running Miss Claire”

“Ok, until when?”

“No. Not until when – just NO running”

~insert mega sad face here~

Now I know there are alternatives to running, but I really enjoy it, and I’ve made massive improvements. Plus, this means I’ll have to re-do my fitness test on something else.

I don’t particularly like RPM / Spin Classes, but I’m going to have to give them another go. I might have to think twice about boxing as well, because of the pivoting from the hips, at least for a couple of weeks anyway.

So I’m presented with the cross trainer, the stationary bike, the rowing machine, low impact aerobics options, swimming, walking, - lots really – it just might take me longer to burn what I need to burn.

I haven’t been able to exercise for 2 days because the movement from my lower back has caused major discomfort, and I didn’t want to make it worse. Coupled with feeling generally miserable about not being able run, I was naughty yesterday and munch my way through some chocolate covered raspberry lollies from Charlesworth. I did end up throwing the rest of them away though.

Bad Claire, BAD!

But, such is life – I’m back on form today – with the return of a positive attitude and a realisation that whilst I have some goals I want to achieve, I’m just going to have to achieve them slightly slower, but I’d rather do that than cause myself a permanent injury.

Saturday I went swimming again and took the kick board that Monkey uses when she swims, and that was a good way to switch up my kicking styles. I did manage to knock about 5 minutes off my time from last week, mainly because I wasn't resting for as long. Now admittedly, swimming for about an hour only burns about 500 calories - not exactly the SSS Mish recommends, so to make sure I burnt 1,000 for the day, I walked 6km later in the afternoon with the family - they rode to the skate park, and I power walked to meet them there. It was good, and a lovely day for it! 

Week two is now upon me; I'm organised, I've planned my workouts, and I'm comfortable I'll be able to stick to most of the menu (I swap meals around occasionally), and I'm feeling pretty good. I feel stronger and lighter, so hopefully on WWW day I'll like what I see! 

I hope everyone had a good weekend, and lovely fathers day treat meal - bring on Week 2!

"That little voice in your head that says you can't - it's a liar"

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Stay Strong & Carry On

Three days in, 300 grams heavier than the initial weight in, and a 'ow that hurts, and not the good kind of hurt' issue with what feels like a glute muscle.

I'll find out about that tomorrow when I visit my long suffering physio, Susan. I fear I may have aggravated an old lower back issue, and the pain is referred, but I'll see what Susan says and try to avoid high impact exercises.

Susan is very good, I like her approach, and occasionally she'll throw in some acupuncture for good measure, especially on deep stubborn knots. I'd tell you where she works, but I'd like to keep her to myself! ;)

Have I lost my positivity?

Not really. It's only been three days, I have a whole twelve and a half weeks to make up for any time lost. I know what accelerator days are, maybe I'll introduce them earlier.

300 grams is not a big deal, especially at this time of month! I noticed in my previous diet life then I fluctuated by up to half a kilo on and around that week, so I'm reserving pouting, tantrum throwing, and a desire to eat everything in sight until further notice.

I don't really want to have to find alternatives to running, I like it. I never thought I would, but I do. If I'm told I have to swim, well, that's an additional extra cost that, long term, I could do without, especially considering that I'm already paying a gym membership. So, I looked into it.

The aquatic centre has memberships and a fitness centre, and any group fitness classes are included, and you get access to the pools. It also works out cheaper. Which I'd known that a year ago. They don't have as many classes though, but they have all the equipment I'd need. It's something I might need to seriously think about, but I'll wait until tomorrows verdict!

I hope everyone else is managing their niggles and issues well, hopefully you don't have that many, if any at all!

Stay Strong & Carry On!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Push The Limits

A. because I’ve never learned how to play a sport, I just wasn’t interested in sports as a teenager, and;
B.  it’d be something we could do together maybe once a week. It would be a good way to challenge myself and push my limits, which has sort of been the theme of this past week.

I had gotten into a routine on the treadmill, so at the start of the week when I did my time trial, I upped the speed, that was challenge number one – and I completed it.

(Side note – I emailed Mish’s team about using a treadmill for time trials, and they said that even though it’s not preferred, as long as the incline is 2% or more, and I don’t hold onto the sides at any time, it’s acceptable).

Monday -  I went back to my boxing class that I used to do, and found I kept up much better, and could even complete more than three burpees!

Tuesday - I did a normal session on the treadmill and bike, with some circuit training for strength. I upped the level on the bike, and found it harder, but not too much of a struggle.

Wednesday - I just did cardio, and not that much of it – maybe 350 calories worth.

Thursday - I found an interval sprint program on the 12WBT website, and decided to give it a go. This consists of 30 second sprints at various speeds, with 30 seconds of recovery standing on the sides of the treadmill. I had never run like this before, and the speeds suggested in the plan were a little daunting – but I did it! I did three rounds of the program, which took thirty minutes, and according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 493 in total (I also did some push ups, and sit ups, and lunges).

This morning I’ve noticed that my right glute muscle is quite tight, so I’m going to rest it today. I could do the core work out, but I ended up sleeping in because I forgot to set my alarm!  My bad. But I’ll be getting up at stupid o’clock tomorrow to do some yoga and attempt swimming a whole kilometre. That’s 40 laps in the 25 meter pool. Last time I was there I managed 15 laps before getting out because the lane got crowded, but I felt comfortable and could have done more. I’m hoping being there earlier will mean less people in the lane, so we’ll see how that goes.

I’m glad I’ve thrown myself at this, I’m sure it’ll make adjusting to the program a much smoother processes. I’m not sure going from zero to full throttle would be an easy thing to do. This way, I basically just need to incorporate a core day and a Super Saturday Session!

’m yet to do my shopping list,  but we already have most of the condiments, so it shouldn’t be too much for us!

How is everyone else’s preparations going?

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Results Are In

Usually, I wouldn’t blog two days in a row, but with just one week to go until round 3 of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT challenge, it’s fitness test time.

The term ‘fitness test’ makes me cringe. I wondered what would be in store, how gruelling it would be – and if I’d even be able to walk by the time I’d finished.

Would it be like the fitness tests we used to in school with the beeps? Do you remember those? You’d have run from one end of the gymnasium to the other, and you had to do it within the time between the beeps. If you didn’t, you were out. I was always one of the kids out early – not because I wasn’t fit enough, but because I just could not be arsed. So there I would sit, on the sidelines with the rest of us who’d thrown in the towel, watching David and Paul battle it out for first place. It was always boys who lasted to the end.

As it turns out, 12WBT fitness not like that at all (phew!), and it appears that it’s not that difficult to gauge how fit you are.

The first task is a 1km run. If you can’t run, you walk it, if you can’t run or walk it, then you find an alternative and set yourself a benchmark, such as, row 2km or swim 500 meters – that sort of thing.

Here is the outline for the rest of the test;

Push Ups – how many can you do in a minute? And you MUST try to do some on your toes.

Wall Sit – Find a wall, bend your knees to right angles and lean back against the wall – hold it as long as you can.

Abdominal Strength – complete the series of different sit up movements – whichever one you get stuck on is the current limit to your core strength

Flexibility – how far past your toes can you reach?

If you had asked me six months ago ‘how fast can you run a kilometre?’, I probably would have laughed in your face and chortled something along the lines of ‘Me? Run? Don’t be stupid’.

These days I can run 1km in under 7 minutes – something I never thought I’d be able to do. Some days it feels comfortable, sometimes it’s a struggle – I’m yet to find the balance, but the point is, I can do it. 

Push ups on my knees have never come easily to me, but I have been practicing my plank, and hopefully my results will be better than I’m expecting.

So, how did I go? The results are in;

I was a little bit surprised that my flexibility was not great, but I was happy that it was at least able to reach my toes.

My core strength surprised me – I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get past the third move!

So there you have you it – my benchmark for the next 12 weeks.

But I’m curious (and admittedly a little competitive) so I’m keen to know how everyone else went, if you’re willing to share. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wet Stuff

On the weekend I rediscovered my love of swimming.

The last time I tried to swim laps in a pool was over six months ago, and it didn’t go well. I managed 2 x 50 metres and could barely breathe by the time I’d finished, which is why I’ve shied away from the pool as a place of exercise, and I’ve focused on treadmills and group fitness classes.  

The youngest step daughter, who I’ll refer to as Monkey, had wanted to go swimming the last time she was at our house, but we didn’t go. So on Saturday morning we packed the swimming gear, and schlepped seventy five minutes to Angaston in South Australia to watch my eldest step daughter play netball, and to collect Monkey for the weekend.

She was very excited about going swimming, she’s a real water baby and tries very hard to swim well, which, to be fair, is improving – she’s only seven.

I decided to take some time to myself and try swimming laps again. I opted for the slow lane because my preferred style is breaststroke, and I know I’m not a fast swimmer. My expectations were not high, I thought I’d do three laps in the 25 meter pool and be just about done. To my surprise, I swan 400 meters, and it felt pretty comfortable. I could have gone further, but one of the other swimmers came off as a bit strange, with his one eye and odd swimming style, but I’m sure he just had a disability. The thing was, every time I swam past him in the opposite direction he’d say ‘give us a massage’.

Yeah. Ok.

This strangeness combined with five Asian students completely ignoring the lane etiquette started to annoy me, so I finished up and got out. Regular swimmers will be aware of what Lane Etiquette is. It’s basically rules around how you should swim in a shared lane – rules such as ‘don’t swim too close to someone in front of you, pass them; if you find you’re going much faster than others, move into the next speed group; swim up one side and down the other – that sort of thing. 

As I stood by the side of the pool annoyed at the interruption, I was pleased with myself. I’d managed to swim further than I have in years. I know it doesn’t sound like a long way, but for me it was an achievement, and I’ve decided to try and fit at least one swimming session into my week, and for my next visit I’m going to attempt swimming a kilometre. I've also done some research on the internet to find a program to help improve swimming fitness. I have to admit, I haven't found a lot, but the 12WBT forums have been a good source tips and suggestions.

It also reminded me that I should try anything I want to try, because I might just surprise myself by being better at it than I think. So, don’t be afraid to try things you want you, the worst that will happen is that you might not be very good, but at least you’ll know, and have a benchmark to work from.

The best that will happen, is that you just might kick butt – literally. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Evils Of Sugar

There are lots of traps out there for those of us trying to substitute junk food with ‘healthy’ food.

I’m not talking about simply cutting out junk and eating natural , raw, unprocessed goodness, I’m talking about food products labelled as healthy.

Here’s an example.

A couple of weeks ago I reached my 3pm snack attack and retrieved my Ski D’lite yoghurt from the fridge. I felt strong, I felt focused, I felt good about making a good choice; until I checked out the nutritional info to see just how good I was being – turns out, not very.

This little pot of silky yummy fruitiness was packed, yes PACKED with sugar, twenty-seven grams of it to be precise.

But, it’s a diet yogurt?

It’s a healthy food.

I can’t have twenty-seven grams of sugar in a single tiny pot, that’d blow my sugar allowance for the day by almost double.

So, I swung into reconnaissance action.

I stood in the kitchen and read the back of each chocolate bar that were in the communal snack box.

Mars Bar – 30 grams of sugar.

Crunchie – 30 grams of sugar.

Snickers (which I remember as Marathon Bars from 1980’s England) – 26.8 grams of sugar

My healthy pot of yogurt had more sugar than a snickers bar.

In saying that, obviously the yogurt would be lower in fat and other naughtiness, but, the percentage of trans fats to good fats was still high.

The sad thing is, I found the same in supermarkets. Healthy foods, low fat foods, they’re all packed with either sugars or salt to enhance the flavour. High quantities of either of these things is bad for you, and inhibits weight control and weight loss. Even fruit, as natural as it is, is packed with sugar – yes it’s naturally occurring sugar, but it’s sugars all the same.

Now I’m not trying to scare people off fruit, god no, but they vary in sugar levels – the humble banana is one of the worst culprits, with berries being among those best for us (plus they have antioxidants).

But, why am I so focused on sugars and not fats? Or overall calories?

Well, I am, I do care about those things and I do make an effort to be aware of them, but sugar, and variants of sugar are rife within the food industry – and they can stop you feeling full, perpetuating binge eating of the very products designed to make you think they’re healthy.

I read an extremely well written and thought provoking article that I think about on most of my trips to the supermarket. Why Our FoodIs Making Us Fat is, in my opinion, an article everyone should read. It’s quite informative, and will certainly have you thinking twice before stocking up on lean cuisines and low fat biscuits.

I think the key to eating healthily and making better choices is awareness and education. There are some people out there who go to extremes in terms of their diets, and I’m not condoning that – but moderation and information are so powerful, and empowering.

Until Next Time

Mz Clarie

Sunday, August 12, 2012

2 Weeks Until Season Kick Off

Today I spent some time trawling through the 12 week body transformation website. 

I read about some other members, I looked at the progress other people had made so that I would be motivated, and eventually I found myself in the frequently asked questions section. 

Now, don't get me wrong, it's not like I think this is going to be easy or anything, but I read that, 5 days a week, I have to burn 400 to 800 calories. One of my normal forty-five to sixty minute gym session I definitely managed 400, but 800 might be pushing it. 

Then there's super Saturdays, which are Saturday morning work outs that are intended to burn up to 1,000 calories in a session. 

1000 calories! 

I'm going to experience so much pain! 

Thankfully, there are a group of people who also do the program who live in my local area, so it might be good for the motivation, and the social aspect!

The next pre-season task is the the kitchen make over, bring it on!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Challenges - 12 Weeks Of Them

For a long time I subscribed to the Dukan Diet way of eating, and I lost 25kg, but it was too quick, and unsustainable, and it highlighted some health issues which resulted in the removal of my gallbladder.

I came under fire for writing about the fact that my surgeon attributed the diet to my issue, but I never blamed it for the fact I have massive gallstones, however, die-hard fans were not impressed with even the slight mention of linking the two, and I had to take down my previous blog.

Since then, I put 5kg back on, but I manage to hover around the same weight, and whilst I’ve been gym-ing it regularly lately, I decided that I needed a bit more of a shove. Something to motivate me, something to commit to (other than myself).

So, I bit the bullet and signed up for Michelle Bridges12WBT challenge.

The cost is reasonable at $20 a week for 12 weeks, and I like the level of support offered, and it’s sort a social thing as well – I’ll attend some group sessions and maybe make some new friends, which is always a bonus.

Do I think I can work out 6 days a week? I have NFI but I’ll give it a good hard go!

I managed to wrangle one of the women at work into doing it with me, so hopefully we’ll be able to keep each other motivated. It won’t be as challenging for me, I don’t have kids to worry about full time, but as long as I can stay focused and make sure the changes stick.

For all accounts, I eat much healthier than I used to, but alcohol is my vice. Damn you vodka lime & soda! …. And wine…. Red or white… and let us not forget the low carb beer (which, by the way, doesn’t mean you can drink MORE of it just because it’s low carb!)

So I love to enjoy food and wine – I’ll just have to love to it less often.

The program is currently in pre-season, and having completed the first four pre-season tasks, the next one may be the most daunting – kitchen organisation. It’s not always me that does the shopping, so that might have to change, and I like the idea of cooking for the two of us and my partner benefiting from the meal plans as well. I’m definitely going to have to get back into the habit of cooking up a storm on a Sunday night – and since I moved in, we have fridges, so I have to no excuse for not having enough freezer space!

Speaking of space, watch this space for 12WBT blogs (among others) – I’m sure the progress will be positive!